RELATIONSHIP 204 EPISODE: Mending a Broken Heart

Why 204 because 101 can be basic and most relationships are complicated!
Host Tanisha Simpkins, John Momplaisir, Schkena Screen, Louis Johnson, Gerald Burkhalter
Show Topic: Mending a broken heart
Every Monday night at 9pm EST on
IG: relationship204
FB: relationship204
A Table Talk Production

Find me on FB: TSimpkinsSpeaks


My Greatest Influence

Mother’s Day is approaching and many folks have high anxiety hoping they could cope with their mother or mother figure no longer in their presence.

Sometimes we don’t know how to channel our grief rather it’s been a year to ten years and more but the love is still there. The best thing to do for your loved one or friend who is experiencing this grief is to be there with your presence.

I would love to be able to say Happy Mother’s Day to my grandma, the strongest beautiful and sassy person I knew.  I know of many sacrifices’ she made to keep a smile on my face, many prayers she petition to keep me safe, and there were many times we would just sit and not say a word, being a comforter.

So yesterday I found myself exhausted not from tiresome but of wanting to hug or kiss from this special person, my Grandma Dot

I truly miss her .. and I’m always telling stories to my daughter about her so she could know what type of person she was.  Make Mother’s Day a happy day, there are many more people in our lives to celebrate who are here, that old saying give them their flowers while they’re still here.

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We All Have A Measure Of Faith


Any test you’re going through your faith is being summoned, It’s not a science or math test, It’s a Faith test.  Wherever we are called to make an impact and there’s something we must do, then you’re shifted to another level in that area and  then become representative, why because our Faith has the ability to see beyond the natural

We all have a scheduled time of tribulation

thought for today

Trust God for a miracle, and Your faith will be rewarded


Apologies can go a long way in changing the course of someone’s life. There are people waiting to be set free. Forgetting who the Son set free is free indeed.

The enemy would like nothing better than to rule the world. God does not want us in bondage or oppressed.  But for some it still takes apologies to be free.

For some apologies are to clear the air, clarify misunderstanding, or asking forgiveness of wrongful behavior.

John 8:30 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed

Don’t wait your whole life waiting for someone to apologize, you forgiving  is worth the freedom


Tanisha Simpkins, Blogger

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